Vacation rental statistics 2018 – occupancy rates, average stay, average price, and more

If you’re anything like me, you love data.

Data is the fundamental building block of everything. You can break down almost anything into data – sometimes even emotions. Data is beautiful – it helps us understand the world around us, measure and compare, describe and define, evaluate and decide. It helps us choose the correct path in anything we do, and offers a very persuading alibi if things go wrong 🙂  In every sense, data drives the world.

We at Hosthub are heavily data-driven. Not just because we are a tech startup and that’s how it should be, but mainly because Petros and I, co-founded Hosthub based on data, and we strongly believe that data is above and beyond our intuition and opinions. This is why I decided to start this series of posts with interesting numbers and statistics that might help all of you in your decisions like they help us in ours.

Find the first installment of the series here

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